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Web Page Content Affects The Page Ranking


Updated: Mar 24, 2022

Each web page has a purpose, and that is, to emotionally, mentally, and/or physically engage the user by informing, teaching, and/or entertaining. A well presented and unique content will attract more visitors and raise its ranking, thus, a web page content affects the page ranking.

A content may include text, photos, illustrations, video, or audio, but that is not enough for the web page to be interesting or engaging. Following are several content requirements, so the page ranks higher on search results.

When/Where applicable, the page should provide complete and organized information such as location, hours, contact, service/product title and description, etc.

The page should be useful, by being specific to the topic/subject, and should also be valuable, by being different from information already exist on the web.

The page should be credible, by having original content, reviews/testimonials, and it should also be engaging, by using pictures, updates, comments, etc.

The above web page content requirements shortly explain how web page content affects its ranking.

Remember: the content on web pages should be dedicated and addressed to the user, not to the crawlers/spiders.

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